11 th June is an auspicious and memorable day for our beloved Organisation. It is on this day in the year 1994, our Organisation took birth at Mumbai, after experiencing several onslaughts from vested interests who tried to project that the individuality cult is superior than the institutional democracy. The evil design of individuals has been successfully thwarted. Then emerged our Organisation committed to the principles and ideology of BMS/NOBW. As an affiliate of this great ideology, our Organisation has drawn inspiration and grown from strength to strength since inception. Year after year since 1994 till date it is only onward march for our Organisation. It is not merely a geographical march for our Organisation by successfully conducting All India Conferences from Bangalore to Nagpur to Delhi to Mangalore to Hubli to Jaipur to Goa to Chandigarh to Bengaluru; it is also a march with a purpose. Right from the nascent days of its formation the Organisation is carving out a niche for itself and is performing the functions of a vibrant, responsible Trade Union. Let us all be aware that we have a long way to go.

As a disciplined, devoted and dedicated activist of a divine ideology, you are a witness to the fact that our beloved Organisation, a genuine Trade Union formed by the employees of Canara Bank and functioning under the democratic mandate of its members, has brought home many benefits and redressed innumerable grievances of the employees through legitimate trade union means. All the Office Bearers of the Organisation are the employees of Canara Bank who could feel the pulse of the employees and thus are able to reflect the genuine aspirations of the employees in a purposeful manner. Our founding principles are driven by Swami Vivekananda saying, “You are the creator of your Destiny” and no doubt we draw inspiration from our Alma Mater BMS and guided by our parent body NOBW.

We believe that the pre-requisite for building a genuine Trade Union is to make the most important constituent of the union i.e. the ordinary member, Strong. In this direction, we undertake educative programmes for our members to impart basic knowledge as well as create awareness about our service conditions of the employees at different levels. This helps the members to involve in the activities of the Organisation. One such occasion is the Conference where member gets an opportunity to air his/her views, which will find a place in the process of growth at all levels in our Organisation.

We value your association with our Organisation. The potential within you is immense. Your inputs, your insights are invaluable to our Organisation to march on.


The only nationalist Trade Union for workmen in Canara Bank.

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