Makara Sankranti is a most shining pearl of the inherent oneness of our proud culture. The event by itself radiates multiple knowledge for the welfare of whole mankind. The truth that the Nature is ever on the move carrying with it the inevitability of changes with positive results is an outstanding contribution of our ancient wisdom. The Sun God, the ultimate sustainer of the universe, changes his course from the direction of South to North is considered a most auspicious not for any unknown ritual but for its creativity of energy. The sight of our Farmers reaping the heaps of grains grown over the period, Children bubbling with joy with colourful dresses, Women decorating the surroundings, Animals more particularly livestock accorded the prime of affection, Traders turning out brisk business and the Govt. collecting’rajaswa’ reflects the greatness of the Sankranti Spirit towards the sustainability of Economic Growth and Social Cohesion. The spirit is eternal and vibrant.

No doubt, the spirit is all encompassing and never ending. But one has to guard against the motivated assault on the spirit. The crude and calculated attempt is being made relentlessly at the very foundation. The Communist Ideology with its founding principles of Hatred and Cruelty can never accept the wisdom and intelligence of Yore.

Worst Opportunists to the core, they make heroes out of Stalin, Mussolini, Pol Pot, Mao who for the lust of self centered power massacred millions of Farmers and Workers, established cold blooded concentration camps, infiltrated into the vital organs of administration and distorted history with ulterior intent. Indian Communists are the most amazing creations of the earth for its sheer refusal to accept the truth. Long back resigned to the debris of bottomless pit of their ideology, they can never do anything that is even remotely connected to Nationalism. Their roles in China War, Opposition to our Nuclear Arsenal, Pressuring on Foreign Relations, Formulating National Laws are always guided by their narrow minded inclination. Are they our pillars of democracy! Damn it, they are the drumbeaters of communism. It is time our Nation, wakes up to the Hypocrisy of Communists. Art, which was really the art of the commoners in the period of the past, was hijacked by the same Neo Left Communists and in the name of meaningless creativity in their sense of thought and opportunistic freedom of expression, they are using this vital sector of the social organ to humiliate and silence the vast majority. They are in the committees of selection, screening, awarding, reviewing, publicity campaigns and such other endless platforms. Discretely using the access through lackluster committees and self coronate NGOs of repute, each one is back patting the other of the same ilk, supporting mutually convenient existence again to target the majority.

Our Banking Industry is not an exception to this Malice. Founded and strengthened by illustrious men and women, the Institutions of Finance were taken over by Govt. in the form of Nationalisation. The merits of Nationalisation apart, the happenings provided an unexpected opportunity to Communists to rear up their ugly head. Paying a dirty political game, they managed to create a forum for themselves and held both the Management and the employees in their clutches. It should be a wonder as to how the employees who are supposed to be the most educated class of the society have let these grabbers to grow at their cost? Are they so naïve to believe the smothering lies, arrogant utterances of the comrades in arms? Why are they not questioning the actions or decisions of the so called leaders who are always guided by non banking forces?

Let us be guided by our ancient wisdom which has welcomed the school of good thought from all sides. Let us also respect our forefathers with gratitude who have given us direction to progress on. A true sense of oneness and a true honour only ensures our happiness, is the message of Makara Sankranti.


Makara Sankranthi is a most shining pearl of the inherent oneness of our proud culture. The event by itself radiates multiple knowledge for the welfare of whole mankind. The truth that the Nature is ever on the move carrying with it the inevitability of changes, the changes with positive results is an outstanding contribution of our ancient wisdom. The Sun God, the ultimate sustainer of the universe, changes its course from the direction of South to North is considered a most auspicious not for any unknown ritual but for its creativity of energy. The Parva Kala or ‘meet at the critical time’ has been absolutely meticulous ushering in newer kind of enthusiasm. There cannot be more precision.

The sight of our Farmers reaping the heaps of grains grown over the period, children bubbling with joy with colorful dresses, women decorating the surroundings, Animals, more particularly livestock accorded the prime of  affection, Traders turning out brisk business and the Govt collecting “rajaswa” reflects the greatness of the Sankranthi Spirit towards the sustainability of Economic Growth and Social cohesion. The Spirit is eternal and vibrant. All Indians are entitled to be proud of the very rich tradition followed through successive generations. Celebrate with joy.

No doubt, the spirit is all en compassing and never ending. But one has to guard against the motivated assault on the spirit. The crude and calculated attempt is being made relentlessly at the very foundation. The Communist Ideology with its founding principle of Hatred and Cruelty can never accept the wisdom and intelligence of Yore.


The only nationalist Trade Union for workmen in Canara Bank.

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