July 23, is the foundation Day of our Bharatiya Mazdoor Sangh. On this day in 1955, the BMS set on its course to fulfill the Labour’s obligation to the Nation building activity of the Nationalist forces. Today, BMS has reached the Top amongst the Central Trade Unions. As an affiliate of BMS, we are proud of this achievement. On this day, NOBW along with all BMS activists rededicates itself to the task of bringing the lost glory to our beloved Motherland and respectful life for teeming multitude of our brethren.

For NOBW, the destiny seems to have assigned an added responsibility in addition to the welfare and well being of bank men and women. The public sector Banks are presently subjected to various stresses and strains. The supporters of Nationalisation of Banks notably AIBEA failed to ensure the success of nationalization in spite of their member’s faith in leadership and their nominees on the Boards of many nationalized Banks. And now several unscrupulous politicians, profit mongers in Industry and Trade and hypocrites in bureaucracy have ganged up to swing the pendulum back to ruthless privatisation, playing into the hands of MNCs at the cost of Nation and people.

We the Bank workmen have therefore to fight on various fronts. We have to watch the functioning of the top managements. We have to render efficient service to the customers even while keeping them informed about adverse impacts of various measures. We have to prevent and detect frauds. We have to ensure profits and minimize pilferage. Perhaps, in this gigantic task we may have to lead ourselves rather than following established (Re) tired Leadership. But all this will not be possible unless we equip ourselves with clear understanding about the past and vision for the future. For this very reason we in NOBW observe “BMS Founding Day” every year.


The only nationalist Trade Union for workmen in Canara Bank.

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