Vishwakarma, An Architect since the days of yore, is most revered not only for his greatness of the skill but for strong will to commit to the cause of virtues. From among his various creations of the product development, be it the formation of the cities, constn. Of the buildings, temple towers, ponds, fountains, farming techniques, pottery, metallic etc, the human activity excelled in all spheres for the eventual sustenance of the Society. The outstanding will power Vishwakarma, came to the fore, when he un hesitantly agreed to execute the creation of masterly weapon of Indra, “Vajrayudha”. The saying goes that the weapon to be created from out of the bones of yet another great sage “Dhadichi” was to be used against “Vritha” son of none other than Vishwakarma.  Vritha identified himself with the demons and instilled misery among the nobles. The evil had to be destroyed and Vishwakarma thus laid down the path.

The immeasurable contributions of Vishwakarma left behind to us a heritage and gradually evolved in to a Working Tradition. The Shramik and The Karmik owe their origin to this great Architect. Thus Vishwakarma Divas, co inciding with yet another auspicious event of Kanya Sankraman on this day of 17th Sept is a proud moment of all the Indians more so the BMS. The day is celebrated across the length and breadth of the country with the entire flavor.

We take oath on this day, to continue to labor for the welfare of the society. For us, labor is neither sectarian nor narrow minded word as painfully and monotonously followed during the much hyped “May Day”-doubtlessly, yet another coined and cocooned invention of the dogmatic communism. Our Labor encompasses all spheres and all classes among the human existence.  From where the White collar and the Blue collar emanated? Is it a succor to the Capitalists or a platform to the Communists? Any progressive society has to thrive on manual, intellectual and spiritual contribution and has to work in tandem rather than on division of humans as owner and the worker. We have to fight the forces that represent all forms dogmas. Alas, these forces manage to pilfer into the powers just as cobras forcefully occupy the  laboriously built by the ants.

Friends, let us rededicate ourselves and resolve to faithfully follow, at least to some extent, the great precedent set by our noble ancestors on this day of  “Vishwakarma”


The only nationalist Trade Union for workmen in Canara Bank.

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